Missional Field Notes

Quotes, Examples, and Ideas from My Missional Frontier

#015 clownfish by Flickr User Nemo's Great Uncle

#015 clownfish by Flickr User Nemo’s Great Uncle

This line of the movie Finding Nemo is a great principle for us to remember when it comes to people. As we work in our churches and neighborhoods to advance the Gospel, we would do well to recite, “People are friends, not projects.” By authentically engaging people and caring about who they are as people made in the image of God, we build up relational trust and give room for the Spirit to work. Then, when they are faced with times of crisis, they come to us as friends genuinely cared for, not hesitantly as a project to be ‘fixed.’


(via Justin Hiebert’s Empowering Missional Blog)

Photo credit/Creative Commons

2 thoughts on “Fish Are Friends, Not Food

  1. Thanks for sharing this. This seems to have been a line that has resonated with many people. Blessings in your ministry

    1. jimdoepken says:

      Thanks. I can see why this resonates. Good point.

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